Dogs on Long Beach

Dogs are welcome at Long Beach - but their presence is subject to a strict set of rules with which both residents and visitors are expected to comply.

Know the regulations governing where dogs are permitted and where they are prohibited!

Refer to the map above to eliminate any uncertainty regarding permissable access on Long Beach!

For comprehensive information on the Council regulations affecting the management of dogs at Long Beach, refer to the Eurobodalla Shire Council's "Companion Animal Management Plan - 2018".


Effective Control:

When in the public realm all dogs must be under effective control at all times, even when on the dogs-allowed off-leash section of the beach.  

Having effective control of a dog means an owner can prevent the dog from approaching other animals or people by either:

Please do not allow your dog to approach a person, or another dog, without checking first.  The beach is to be shared by all users.  Some dogs need more space, even from other friendly dogs. Dogs needing space may be young and in training, recovering from injury or illness, nervous, in season, or just old and grumpy ... but these dogs are entitled to use the beach as much as any other dog. 

NSW Legislation provides for significant penalties if a dog rushes at, attacks, bites, harasses or chases any person or animal, whether or not any injury is caused.  Significant penalties (between $1320 and $11,000) can apply, depending on the circumstances.

For more information, or concerns about dogs not under effective control, Council’s rangers can be contacted on 02 4474 0109 or via email to 

Owners who regularly bring their dogs to Long Beach can ask to join the Long Beach Dog Walkers Facebook page that is maintained for the benefit of regular dog walkers.  Note that mandatory joining questions must be answered satisfactorily to become a member.