Early Subdivision Plans

The lithograph below formed part of an advertising campaign intended to subdivide the land surrounding Long Beach in 1841. The estate in question was granted to Edward Lord Esq. in 1839, and he owned most of the land north of Batemans Bay from North Head to the Clyde River at the point where the bridge would be built in 1956. The lithographer, Raphael Clint was a well-known engraver who worked in Western Australia, Van Dieman’s Land and New South Wales, while Mr Thomas Stubbs was the most prominent Sydney auctioneer of the day. The announcement was unusual in the amount of newspaper column space devoted to the auction. The announcement (in the language of the day, see below lithograph) appeared in the Sydney Herald on Monday 4 January, 1841.  (Alastair Greig) 

The Sydney Herald, 4 January, 1841, page 3

To the whole of the Wealthy Proprietors of Land and Stock &c. in Argyle, St. Vincent, and in the South West Country generally. Most important unreserved Sale of the Township of St. Vincent, situated at the mouth of, and adjoining the Government Village Reserve, at Bateman’s Bay, and the navigable River Clyde, and where the Magnificent Steamer CLONMEL landed her passengers and took Wood and Water - BY MR. STUBBS.

MR. STUBBS respectfully announces to the Wealthy Proprietors of Braidwood, Lake Bathurst, Lake George, Molonglo, Limestone Plains, Bungadore, Maneroo, Yass, Murrumbidgee, Jembecumbean, Goulburn, Marulan, Bungonia and the whole of the respectable inhabitants of the South West Country, (who are about to be benefited by this Advertisement) that he has been instructed to throw open and Sell by Public Auction, at his New Auction Mart, King-street, on MONDAY, the 25th day of January, 1841, at Twelve 0’clock precisely, The Great Southern Township of ST. VINCENT situated it the mouth of Bateman’s Bay

Batemans Bay is an eligible Port of Refuge for vessels bound along the coast with adverse winds, and as it offers many secure anchorages, protected in every direction, with the advantage of a closely settled district, it must shortly become the grand outlet of the Southern interior : its waters presenting the busy aspect of commerce, under which the value of adjacent lands will soon be on a par with those of Sydney. So far back as 1797 the celebrated Mr. Bass declared in the following words his opinion that this was the part of the Blue Mountain range which would ultimately afford the best line of communication with the interior, viz: -

"The great chain of high land called the Blue Mountain Range, by which the Colony is prevented from extending to the south and west, here terminates near the coast, where a party desirous of penetrating into the interior, may reasonably hope to avoid those impediments which, in the vicinity of Port Jackson, have hitherto proved insurmountable, (vide Flinders) - an opinion which after the lapse of forty-three years is only now confirmed by the recent published Reward of £100 for the discovery of a Dray Road to Braidwood, in the vicinity of the church lands now advertised for sale, which the enterprise of Mr. Green and others have successfully accomplished; with this difference, that instead of going to Broulee, it must come to Bateman’s Bay, making it as before stated, the principal outlet &c. of the Industry of the country south of Port Jackson. 

The following extract from Captain Flinders and Horsburgh will add much to the interest which this locality ought to possess, with the enterprising Emigrant and Speculatist of the Colony:

“In 1822 Lieut. Johnson Royal Navy, discovered at the head of Bateman‘s Bay (near the Township) the entrance of a clear capacious River, with nine feet water, since deepened to ten feet naturally on the bar deepening inside to six fathoms, and having for thirty-five miles upwards from seven to four fathoms.”

This country is now thickly settled, and village reserves and lines of road connecting it with the coast have been marked out, and gangs have been stationed from Cook’s River down to Ulladulla, to carry the object of communication into effect.

How this fertile country, with a river large and more available than any other which has hitherto been discovered in this Colony, has been allowed to remain so long without exciting public attention, can only be explained by reverting to the public apathy which permitted Port Phillip District to remain in a state of nature for thirty-five years. At the same time it may have been the interest of the landed proprietors in the west to prevent access to the coast from apprehension of competition for the crown lands on which they were squatting. 

From the head of river navigation, with a 70 tons vessel to the police township of Braidwood, the distance (by a practical Dray Road discovered by Messrs. Kinghorne and Green) does not exceed twenty-seven miles, which must ensure to this port at an early day (under the now common interest of western proprietors) the best line of transit for interior productions, and give it a commerce little short of Port Jackson. 

The proprietor having resolved to spare no expense by which art can be made to improve the natural Wharf which the plan exhibits, (and at which the Clonmel landed her passengers) has already at a great expense purchased and contracted with an eminent ship owner for the laying down of moorings opposite the Township, fit for the security and convenience of vessels of any class and a competent and duly qualified officer has been appointed to that duty, as also to make minute surveys of the whole Bay.

To facilitate intercommunication with vessels and steamers passing along the coast in  either direction, a conspicuous Flag Staff will be erected on the North Head, visible at sea, with a published code of signals of invitation, which cannot fail to be of the greatest advantage to settlers desiring facility, of transfer or passage.

The Township of St Vincent, in Bateman’s Bay, is situate on the shores of an extensive plain, the open verdure of which is the first object of admiration (never to be forgotten) which cheers the sight and excites the hopes of the emigrant sailing around its shores. The distance by sea from Sydney is usually by 20 hours sail, while the interior transit of produce occupies nearly as many days.

The quality of the land is alluvial, and it is so abundantly watered by creeks and lagoons, which have never failed, as to have been picked out for a long time as a squatting station, many improvements consequent on which has been made, and the purchasers will enjoy the advantages of them.

As it is not the intention of the proprietor to force the whole allotments into the market, sales of portions will be continued quarterly, and the back blocks will be let on improving leases to previous purchasers, an arrangement which will afford every advantage to first occupants.

A reference to the plan, showing its locality &c., is now on view at the Rooms of the Auctioneer, which will explain any other particulars; and, in conclusion, Mr. Stubbs would most respectfully remind the wealthy proprietory to whom this advertisement is addressed, that in the foregoing description there has been a studious avoidance of all remarks of a puffing nature, geographical facts alone having been adduced.